総則General Provisions


The information on this website is provided free of charge, with the exception of some services. When browsing the website or collecting information using this site, the user is responsible for ensuring that the information meets the user’s needs, that the user has the necessary legal rights to store, reproduce, or otherwise use the information in any way the user chooses, and that the user complies with all legal obligations, including copyright, confidentiality, defamation, dignity, and export laws and regulations. The user is responsible for complying with copyright, confidentiality, libel, dignity and export laws and other legal obligations.
We assume no responsibility for any problems, losses, or damages resulting from the use of this site.

プライバシーポリシー Privacy Policy




In accordance with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information”, we have established the “Basic Policy for the Protection of Personal Information (Privacy Policy)” and express our commitment to the appropriate management and protection of personal information.

Basic Policy for the Protection of Personal Information (Privacy Policy)
1.We will specify the purpose of use of personal information as much as possible and will not use it beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use.
2.We will not acquire personal information through deception or other wrongful means. When personal information is acquired, we will promptly notify the individual of the purpose of use or make it public.
3.We will endeavor to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date within the scope of the purpose of use.
4.We will take necessary and appropriate safety control measures to prevent leakage or loss of personal information.
We will not provide personal information to any third party without the prior consent of the individual.